October 2, 2011

so this is an update...

My classes are great I love my chemistry class because I
know all the stuff, I really like my teacher and my class mates. My English
class is pretty cool we meet once a week for 3 hours, its ok because it doesn’t
feel that long. My foundations of
science is pretty cool, my American foundations class is going to be my hardest
because I don’t like history and I don’t write very well. I really like my swimming class its once a
week on Fridays its only physically hard.
Enough about my classes I let you know about my social life so far.

So during the week days its just my roommates that I talk to
because I have home work and that’s where I spend my time but on last Sunday we
as a Home evening group had dinner at the other girls apartment and we had
roast beef, mashed potatoes (real freshly mashed), Jello (we brought), salad(we
brought), stuffing, veggies, and Cookies (we brought). Abd then we played catch phrase my team
didn’t win but it was fin anyways. Then
on Monday our homeevening group and the home evening group next door had a
flour fight and shaving/ whipped cream fight It was a total blast.

So a complete side note my roommates think that I have been
deprived in movies that I have seen so my the end of the semester they are
trying to get me to watch a bunch of their favorite movies. So one
Friday we invited some other people over and watched dark night and it was
pretty good, then we watched Dr. Horrible’s sing along blog which is really

Speaking of roommates on Friday night my roommate,
Stephanie, wanted to have pancakes so we had pancakes at 10 at night.